
Visiting the school

All visitors should go to the front door and ring the bell on the right side of the door.  The front office will buzz you in once they communicate with you through the camera/ speaker. You may come to the main office to pick up or drop off your child, ask questions, or sign in to volunteer. Any other visits must be pre-arranged with your child’s teacher, and you must sign in at the office. 

Visitor/volunteer sign-in

Every visitor or volunteer who enters the school building or who is on the school grounds while school is in session must check in at the office. Sign in at the office when you arrive and wear a name tag while you are on campus during school hours. Please also remember to sign out when you leave. 

Emergency Preparedness Plan

Emergency Contact information needs to be completed for each student by a parent or guardian each year in the Aeries Parent Portal. The forms should contain the most recent telephone numbers and addresses for the adults responsible for picking up your child in the event of an emergency. It is essential that this contact information be complete and accurate. Please notify Piedmont Avenue Elementary’s office staff in writing if any of the information reflected on these forms needs to be updated after school starts.

All OUSD schools practice fire, earthquake and lockdown drills. Teachers talk to the students about the drill and prepare them prior to the practice. 

If for any reason we would need to leave campus, our evacuation site is Oakland Tech High School at 4351 Broadway.


If there is police activity in the neighborhood, local law enforcement can ask the school to call a “lockdown.” The school has a clear process in place to secure the perimeter of the building and the classrooms. If you are on campus when a lockdown is called, please go into the nearest classroom and support the adults on campus until an “All Clear” signal is given. If you are off-campus and you hear that Piedmont Avenue Elementary is on lockdown, please do not come to the school. The building and gates will be locked, and school staff will not be able to unlock the doors to allow you to enter. Communication via ParentSquare will be provided to parents as soon as possible during these instances to keep you up-to-date on the status of the students.